Monday, August 15, 2016

Lord, I Just Want To Say Good Morning

Dear Saints I felt in my spirit today that I needed to share some of my older messages. The Lord lead me to this one...As I was reading it, I saw how simple the wording is...I saw how repetitive it is....I began to doubt my writing skills and my abilities to minister...but then I felt the Lords embrace. 
Abba Father is not looking for a word scholar with perfect diction, perfect grammar or a vocabulary fitting and english professor. He is looking for heart, spirit & souls that cry out in faith, love, worship, admiration, trust, hope, and obediance. God is looking for sold out child like faith. So I share my hearts cry with you today...simple, but with pure love for my Lord. May it be a blessing to each of you...Its ok to be simple!  Its ok to make mistakes! Its ok to be you!!! After all Almighty God created you and He knows your weaknesses, your dreams, your hopes, your failures, your sins, He knows you inside and out...and He loves you anyway :D Glory be to God!!! 


Good Morning Lord; 
I just wanted to stop what I was doing and say hello Abba Father. 
Lord, I just wanted to say how much I love You.
Abba Daddy, I just wanted to say thank You for Your loving embrace.
Lord, I just wanted to say thank You for the breath You have blessed me with today. 
Abba Father, I just wanted to stop my day to say I love You with my whole being. 
Lord, I just wanted to say thank You for Your saving grace.
Abba Daddy, I just want to say thank You for Your mercies You shower me with each new dawn.
Lord, I love You!
Abba Father, I love You!
Precious Jesus, I love You! 
Abba Daddy, I love You!
Sweet Holy Spirit, I love You! 
I just wanted to say thank You, Abba Father for loving me. 
I just wanted to say thank You, Jesus for dying for my horrific sins. 
I just wanted to say thank You, Abba Father for allowing Your precious lamb to 
be sacrificed for my sin. 
I just wanted to say thank You, Jesus for sending the Holy Spririt to me, to watch over me, correct me and to convict me of my wrong thinking and sin. 
Thank You, Holy Father, for blessing me with the comfort and love of Jesus.
Thank You, Abba Daddy, for blessing me with the comforting embrace of the Holy Spirit. 
Thank You, Abba Father, for allowing me to live a life walking in Your Holy Embrace. 
I love You, Lord 
I love You, Abba Father
I love You, Precious Jesus
I love You, Sweet Holy Spirit
I love You, My God, My King, My Lord, My Savior, My Healer, My Provider, My everything!


I woke up this morning with this coming from deep within my heart....just flowing....
in my shower this morning I just couldn't stop praising my Lord. I am so grateful to our
precious Lord ....that we do not have to have any formalities to praise and worship Abba Father. 
He loves hearing our hearts cries. 
Sometimes all I can do is praise Abba Daddy for all His amazing Grace in my life. 
When life is suffocating me with trials and tribulations.....sometimes I find myself so wrapped up
in the pain I forget to look up....its like drowning in a sea of sorrow. 
But when I take the time to breathe...and I look up and begin to sing praises to my Abba Daddy.....the storm clouds disappear and I am able to tackle one mountain at a time.  
What an amazing God we serve! 
I hope this blesses you today dear ones :D 

Continuing To Pour Out for Christ Jesus Glory
Evg. Sherrill A. McDonald